
Palmetto State News

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Attorney General Alan Wilson Fights Against Biden's Unlawful Student Debt Cancellation

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Attorney General Alan Wilson | Attorney General Alan Wilson, SC

Attorney General Alan Wilson | Attorney General Alan Wilson, SC

Attorney General Alan Wilson has once again taken a stand against the Biden Administration's attempt to implement a student loan forgiveness program. Wilson, along with a coalition of 10 states, filed a lawsuit challenging the legality of the program. Wilson stated, "Joe Biden does not have the ability to cancel debt. To keep an outlandish campaign promise, he abused power he didn't have to implement an unlawful student debt cancellation program."

The lawsuit argues that the U.S. Department of Education does not have the authority to alter student loan repayment plans, potentially cancelling over $156 million in student loan debt. It also references a previous U.S. Supreme Court decision that deemed a similar program by Biden as unlawful. Wilson emphasized the importance of upholding the rule of law, stating, "We argued against it, and last year the U.S. Supreme Court agreed the program was unlawful."

Wilson expressed determination to continue fighting against what he sees as federal overreach, regardless of political pressures. He remarked, "Facing a tough reelection, Biden is scrambling again. He knows he doesn’t have the power to cancel debt and thinks he can find a loophole around that. We’ll continue pushing against his unlawful federal overreach, no matter how long it takes."

The coalition of states, which includes Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Montana, Nebraska, Texas, and Utah, has joined Wilson in the latest legal challenge against the Biden Administration's student debt cancellation efforts. The full complaint can be accessed online for further details.

Attorney General Wilson's commitment to upholding legal standards and challenging what he views as unconstitutional actions by the federal government remains steadfast, as he continues to advocate for the proper legislative processes to address student loan forgiveness.