Brad Close President | NFIB South Carolina
Brad Close President | NFIB South Carolina
The National Hurricane Center issued a warning on Tuesday about Hurricane Idalia, predicting it will intensify into a major hurricane with winds exceeding 110 miles per hour before hitting Florida's northwest corner on Wednesday. The hurricane is expected to maintain its strength as it moves into Georgia by Wednesday afternoon and continues along the coast towards the Carolinas.
In light of the approaching storm, businesses are advised to review or establish disaster plans. Key steps include understanding potential risks such as flooding or other natural hazards, ensuring adequate insurance coverage, and documenting assets through photographs and videos stored securely.
Businesses should also develop emergency response plans by determining evacuation routes and establishing meeting places. A communications plan is crucial, designating a contact person for employees, customers, and vendors in case local phone and email services are disrupted. An out-of-state contact may be useful as a post-disaster communication point.
Backing up business records is recommended by making copies of vital documents stored in secure locations, ideally off-site. Electronic records should be backed up to the cloud while paper documents can be kept in fireproof safety-deposit boxes.
Creating a disaster kit is also suggested. Essential items include flashlights, portable radios, fresh batteries, first-aid supplies, non-perishable food, bottled water, basic tools, plastic sheeting, and garbage bags. Employees are encouraged to prepare personal disaster kits for themselves and their families.