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Monday, September 23, 2024

“SENATE RESOLUTION 215--DESIGNATING THE WEEK OF MAY 9 THROUGH MAY 15, 2021, AS ``NATIONAL POLICE WEEK''” published by the Congressional Record in the Senate section on May 13

Politics 5 edited

Volume 167, No. 83, covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress (2021 - 2022), was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“SENATE RESOLUTION 215--DESIGNATING THE WEEK OF MAY 9 THROUGH MAY 15, 2021, AS ``NATIONAL POLICE WEEK''” mentioning Tim Scott was published in the Senate section on pages S2527-S2529 on May 13.

Of the 100 senators in 117th Congress, 24 percent were women, and 76 percent were men, according to the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.

Senators' salaries are historically higher than the median US income.

The publication is reproduced in full below:



Mr. GRASSLEY (for himself, Mr. Durbin, Ms. Murkowski, Mr. Markey, Mr. Scott of Florida, Ms. Hassan, Mr. Scott of South Carolina, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr. Sullivan, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Marshall, Mr. Leahy, Mr. Risch, Mr. Coons, Ms. Ernst, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Cornyn, Mr. King, Mr. Cassidy, Ms. Duckworth, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Ms. Sinema, Mr. Rubio, Mr. Casey, Mr. Moran, Mr. Manchin, Ms. Collins, Mr. Tester, Mr. Boozman, Ms. Cortez Masto, Mr. Thune, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Tillis, Mr. Warnock, Mrs. Fischer, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Braun, Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Burr, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. Young, Ms. Stabenow, Mr. Hoeven, Mr. Brown, Mr. Toomey, Mr. Carper, Mrs. Capito, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr. Daines, Ms. Hirono, Mr. Lee, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Schatz, Mr. Lankford, Mr. Booker, Mr. Rounds, Mr. Warner, Mrs. Blackburn, Mr. Blunt, Mr. Inhofe, Mr. Shelby, Mr. Tuberville, Ms. Lummis, Mr. Barrasso, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Portman, Mr. Romney, Mr. Hagerty, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Paul, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Kennedy, Mr. Sasse, Mr. Johnson, Mr. Graham, Mr. McConnell, and Mr. Cruz) submitted the following resolution; which was considered and agreed to:

S. Res. 215

Whereas Federal, State, local, and Tribal police officers, sheriffs, and other law enforcement officers across the United States are charged with--

(1) protecting and serving their communities and the public;

(2) pursuing justice for all individuals; and

(3) performing the duties of a law enforcement officer with fidelity to the constitutional and civil rights of the public the officers serve;

Whereas law enforcement officers swear an oath to uphold the public trust even though, through the performance of the duties of a law enforcement officer, the officers may become targets for senseless acts of violence;

Whereas, through a pandemic and at the cost of their own lives, law enforcement officers have continued to bravely meet the call of duty to ensure the security of their neighborhoods and communities;

Whereas the resolve to service is clearly demonstrated by law enforcement officers across the United States who have tragically fallen ill as a result of, or passed away due to complications from, COVID-19 contracted in the line of duty;

Whereas, in 1962, President John Fitzgerald Kennedy signed Public Law 87-726 (36 U.S.C. 136) (referred to in this preamble as the ``Joint Resolution''), which authorizes the President to proclaim May 15 of every year as Peace Officers Memorial Day in honor of the Federal, State, and local officers who have been killed, disabled, or otherwise injured in the line of duty;

Whereas the Joint Resolution also authorizes the President to designate the week in which Peace Officers Memorial Day falls as National Police Week;

Whereas the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial, dedicated on October 15, 1991, is the national monument to honor those law enforcement officers who have died in the line of duty;

Whereas Peace Officers Memorial Day, 2021, honors the 306 law enforcement officers, who served with valor, dignity, and integrity, killed in the line of duty in 2020, including--

(1) Raymond C. Abear;

(2) Daniel R. Abramovitz;

(3) Olufela A. Adebiyi;

(4) Agustin Aguilar, Jr.;

(5) Louis H. Aguirre;

(6) Tab T. Ali;

(7) L. Dale Allen;

(8) Jared M. Allison;

(9) Keith S. Allison;

(10) Michael H. Ambrosino;

(11) Cornelius B. Anderson;

(12) Alexander A. Arango;

(13) Levi K. Arnold, Sr.;

(14) Jane A. Ash;

(15) George B. Baker;

(16) Richard M. Barry;

(17) Kejuane A. Bates;

(18) Shannon S. Bennett;

(19) Kendle G. Blackburn;

(20) James H. Blair;

(21) Tamarris L. Bohannon;

(22) Thomas E. Booz;

(23) Raymond A. Boseman;

(24) Lebouath A. Boua;

(25) Jairo A. Bravo;

(26) Brad A. Briscoe;

(27) Mark C. Brown;

(28) Lemuel D. Bruce, Jr.;

(29) Joseph J. Bullock;

(30) Jose A. Buso;

(31) Jorge Cabrera;

(32) Irving G. Callender;

(33) Craig L. Capolino;

(34) Robert A. Cardona;

(35) Christopher D. Carney;

(36) Gregory S. Carnicle;

(37) Carlo J. Cayabyab;

(38) Dudley J. Champ;

(39) Angela D. Chavers;

(40) Ismael Z. Chavez;

(41) Andrew D. Clark;

(42) Michael W. Clegg;

(43) Coy D. Coffman, Jr.;

(44) Harry M. Cohen;

(45) James D. Coleman;

(46) Donafay Collins;

(47) Kevin D. Collins;

(48) Michael A. Conners;

(49) James M. Cornacchia;

(50) Efren Coronel;

(51) Charlie J. Cortez;

(52) Kaitlin M. Cowley;

(53) Larry D. Crom;

(54) Christopher D. Cronin;

(55) Christopher M. Cunningham, Sr.;

(56) Jennifer M. Czarnecki;

(57) James L. Dancy;

(58) William J. Darnell;

(59) Norman O. Daye, Jr.;

(60) Angel M. de la Fuente;

(61) Roel de la Fuente;

(62) Timothy P. de la Fuente;

(63) Lyle G. Denny;

(64) Thomas W. Devlin;

(65) Anthony H. Dia;

(66) Jose A. Diaz-Ayala;

(67) Marco DiFranco;

(68) William E. Doubraski;

(69) Paul P. Dunn;

(70) Stephen C. Dutton;

(71) Mark R. Eckenrode;

(72) Christopher L. Elder;

(73) Stanley C. Elrod;

(74) Kurtis J. Enget;

(75) Terrence A. Engle;

(76) Tiffany Victoria B. Enriquez;

(77) Christopher E. Ewing;

(78) Kenneth D. Foley;

(79) Maurice C. Ford;

(80) Randall C. French;

(81) Frank L. Gagliano;

(82) Tracy A. Gaines;

(83) Herbert J. Garcia;

(84) Jose A. Garcia Vazquez;

(85) William R. Garner;

(86) Edelmiro Garza, Jr.;

(87) Steven M. Gaudet, Jr.;

(88) Maria Gibbs;

(89) Andrew J. Gillette;

(90) Raul A. Gomez;

(91) Marco A. Gonzales;

(92) Jonathon K. Goodman, Sr.;

(93) Michael H. Grannis;

(94) Kaia L. Grant;

(95) Gail S. Green-Gilliam;

(96) Rickie Groves;

(97) Lawrence A. Guarnieri;

(98) Claude W. Guillory;

(99) Damon C. Gutzwiller;

(100) Parnell L. Guyton;

(101) Mark A. Hall, Sr.;

(102) Robert J. Hall;

(103) Jacob W. Hancher;

(104) Kenneth W. Harbin;

(105) Ryan P. Hendrix;

(106) Michael L. Henry, Jr.;

(107) Marylou P. Hernandez-Armer;

(108) Tyler A. Herndon;

(109) L. Mario Herrera;

(110) Avery D. Hillman;

(111) Curt Holland;

(112) Charles E. Holt III;

(113) Cody N. Holte;

(114) Jeffrey C. Hopkins;

(115) Glenn D. Hutto, Jr.;

(116) Kenny B. Ingram;

(117) Thomas M. Inman;

(118) Anthony T. Jackson, Sr.;

(119) Domingo Jasso III;

(120) Benjamin M. Jenkins;

(121) Aubrey T. Johnson, Jr.;

(122) Cassie M. Johnson;

(123) Craig V. Johnson;

(124) Eric T. Johnson;

(125) Te'Juan F. Johnson;

(126) Waldis V. Johnson;

(127) Antoine P. Jones;

(128) Jerry W. Jones;

(129) Lynn D. Jones;

(130) Jason W. Judd;

(131) William C. Jumper, Jr.;

(132) Kaulike S. G. Kalama;

(133) Ethan R. Kaskin;

(134) Julian L. Keen, Jr.;

(135) David W. Kellywood;

(136) Craig L. King;

(137) James T. Kirk;

(138) Jason M. Knox;

(139) Christopher S. Korzilius;

(140) Philip Kraverotis;

(141) John J. Kuhar, Jr.;

(142) Jeremy C. LaDue;

(143) Joseph W. Lange;

(144) Shirley J. Lanning;

(145) Ernest Leal, Jr.;

(146) Breann R. Leath;

(147) Destin S. Legieza;

(148) Justin C. Lenz;

(149) Kenneth R. Lester;

(150) Erik L. Lloyd;

(151) Marshall L. London, Jr.;

(152) Anthony J. Lucanto;

(153) Nathan J. Lyday;

(154) Harold F. MacGilvray, Jr.;

(155) Brian L. Magee;

(156) Jose P. Marquez;

(157) Clifford W. Martin, Sr.;

(158) Glenn T. F. Martinez;

(159) Lionel Q. Martinez, Jr.;

(160) Miguel A. Martinez Ortiz;

(161) Wyatt C. Maser;

(162) Alan D. McCollum;

(163) Bronc J. McCoy;

(164) Richard McCoy;

(165) Christopher B. McDonnell;

(166) Anthony C. McGrew:

(167) Adam S. McMillan;

(168) Brian K. McNair;

(169) Kenneth R. Meisel;

(170) Jon M. Melvin;

(171) Juan Menchaca, Jr.;

(172) Maria L. Mendez;

(173) Daniel L. Mendoza III;

(174) Frank R. Milillo, Sr.;

(175) Steven A. Minor;

(176) Bobby R. Montgomery;

(177) Angelanette Moore;

(178) Titus T. Moore;

(179) Jose C. Mora, Jr.;

(180) Gabe Morales;

(181) Johan Mordan;

(182) William T. Morris;

(183) Berisford A. Morse;

(184) Michael S. Mosher;

(185) Dale E. Multer;

(186) Eric K Murray;

(187) Alfonso H. Murrieta;

(188) Benny N. Napoleon;

(189) Mikkos L. Newman;

(190) Ronald Newman;

(191) Charles E. Norton;

(192) Jose M. Novoa;

(193) Daniel G. Oaks;

(194) Richard W. O'Brien, Jr.;

(195) James R. O'Connor IV;

(196) Thomas A. Ogungbire;

(197) Dennis R. Oliver, Jr.;

(198) Nicholas D. O'Rear;

(199) Andy Ornelas;

(200) S. Renee Padgett;

(201) Leroy G. Palmer;

(202) Omar E. Palmer;

(203) Donald E. Parker;

(204) Jonathan D. Parnell;

(205) Betty A. Pascarella;

(206) AlTerek S. Patterson;

(207) Luis O. Pena, Jr.;

(208) Corey Pendergrass;

(209) Nelson Perdomo;

(210) Ricardo Perez-Ortiz;

(211) Alexander R. Pettiway, Jr.;

(212) Jason K. Phan;

(213) Sypraseuth Phouangphrachanh;

(214) Dylan S. Pickle;

(215) Kietrell M. Pitts;

(216) Jack V. Polimeni;

(217) Harold L. Preston;

(218) Dale T. Provins, Jr.;

(219) Nancy Puca;

(220) Charles O. Pugh II;

(221) Justin R. Putnam;

(222) Allan F. Ray;

(223) Stephen L. Raymond;

(224) Aldemar Rengifo, Jr.;

(225) Nicholas L. Reyna;

(226) John A. Rhoden;

(227) M. Wayne Rhodes;

(228) Donna M. Richardson-Below;

(229) Richard Rios;

(230) Sheila J. Rivera;

(231) George B. Robare;

(232) Charles E. Roberts III;

(233) Oscar W. Rocha;

(234) Rodrick L. Rodgers;

(235) Mayra M. Rodriguez-Burgado;

(236) Robert W. Rogers;

(237) Mark J. Romutis;

(238) Enrique J. Rositas, Jr.;

(239) LaKiya L. Rouse;

(240) Caleb D. Rule;

(241) Alex Ruperto;

(242) Nolan J. Sanders;

(243) Jose A. Santana;

(244) Lucas G. Saucedo, Jr.;

(245) Dean M. Savard;

(246) Jeffrey A. Scalf;

(247) Justin R. Schaffer;

(248) David L. Schmidt;

(249) Raymond J. Scholwinski;

(250) Francesco S. Scorpo;

(251) Brent W. P. Scrimshire;

(252) Robert W. Sealock;

(253) Bryant Searcy;

(254) Jeffery W. Sewell;

(255) Jonathan P. Shoop;

(256) Jason N. Shuping;

(257) James M. Skernivitz;

(258) Christopher A. Smith;

(259) Jeremy D. Smith;

(260) Patrick D. Snook;

(261) John D. Songy;

(262) Joseph Spinosa;

(263) Steven Splan;

(264) Caleb H. Starr;

(265) Philip E. Street;

(266) Donald K. Sumner;

(267) Robert C. Sunukjian;

(268) Jarid D. Taylor;

(269) Kenterrous D. Taylor;

(270) Oscar J. Temores;

(271) Marcus Thomas;

(272) Virgil L. Thomas;

(273) Katherine M. Thyne;

(274) Kevin P. Trahan;

(275) Richard C. Treadwell;

(276) Marvin W. Trejo;

(277) Johnny R. Tunches;

(278) Herschel R. Turner, Jr.;

(279) Eric J. Twisdale;

(280) Brendan P. Unitt;

(281) Randy M. Vallot;

(282) Gary L. Walker;

(283) James Walker, Jr.;

(284) Travis C. Wallace;

(285) Christopher R. Walsh;

(286) Daniel G. Walters;

(287) Lowery Ware, Sr.;

(288) Marshall L. Waters, Jr.;

(289) Allan J. Weber;

(290) Lee R. Weber;

(291) James W. Weston, Jr.;

(292) Anthony L. White;

(293) Sheldon G. Whiteman;

(294) Richard E. Whitten;

(295) Kelvin D. Wilcher;

(296) Charlie Williams, Jr.;

(297) Keith D. Williams, Sr.;

(298) Sharon M. Williams;

(299) Stephen P. Williams;

(300) Dwight E. Willis;

(301) Jackson R. Winkeler;

(302) Richard A. Wright;

(303) Ching K. Yan;

(304) Sheena D. Yarbrough-Powell;

(305) Terrell D. Young; and

(306) Joseph M. Youse; and

Whereas, since the beginning of 2021, 119 law enforcement officers from across the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved, That the Senate--

(1) designates the week of May 9 through May 15, 2021, as

``National Police Week'';

(2) expresses strong support for law enforcement officers across the United States in the efforts that those officers undertake to build safer and more secure communities;

(3) recognizes the need to ensure that law enforcement officers have the equipment, training, and resources necessary to protect the health and safety of the officers and the public they serve;

(4) recognizes the law enforcement community for the continual selfless acts of sacrifice and bravery carried out by the members of that community;

(5) recognizes that, even through a pandemic and at the cost of their own lives, law enforcement officers continue to show up and serve their neighborhoods and communities;

(6) acknowledges that police officers and other law enforcement personnel, especially those who have made the ultimate sacrifice, should be remembered and honored;

(7) expresses condolences to the loved ones of each law enforcement officer who has made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty; and

(8) encourages the people of the United States to observe National Police Week with appropriate ceremonies and activities that promote awareness of the vital role that law enforcement officers perform in service to the United States and the communities in which those officers serve.


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 83



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