
Palmetto State News

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Congressional Record publishes “SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND SENATE RESOLUTIONS” in the Senate section on Feb. 24

Politics 13 edited

Volume 167, No. 35, covering the 1st Session of the 117th Congress (2021 - 2022), was published by the Congressional Record.

The Congressional Record is a unique source of public documentation. It started in 1873, documenting nearly all the major and minor policies being discussed and debated.

“SUBMISSION OF CONCURRENT AND SENATE RESOLUTIONS” mentioning Tim Scott was published in the Senate section on page S858 on Feb. 24.

Of the 100 senators in 117th Congress, 24 percent were women, and 76 percent were men, according to the Biographical Directory of the United States Congress.

Senators' salaries are historically higher than the median US income.

The publication is reproduced in full below:


The following concurrent resolutions and Senate resolutions were read, and referred (or acted upon), as indicated:

By Ms. ERNST (for herself, Mr. Grassley, and Mrs.


S. Res. 71. A resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that aliens convicted of drunk driving offenses qualify as a public safety threat for the purposes of immigration enforcement; to the Committee on the Judiciary.

By Mr. COTTON (for himself, Mr. Cruz, Mr. Rubio, Mr.

Cornyn, Mr. Hawley, Mr. Cramer, Mr. Tillis, Mr.

Boozman, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mr. Sasse, Mr. Marshall,

Mr. Daines, Mr. Rounds, Mr. Young, Mr. Barrasso, Mrs.

Blackburn, Mr. Sullivan, Mr. Tuberville, Mr. Blunt,

Mr. Thune, Ms. Lummis, Mr. Inhofe, Mr. Hoeven, Mr.

Hagerty, Mr. Lankford, and Mr. Crapo):

S. Res. 72. A resolution opposing the lifting of sanctions imposed with respect to Iran without addressing the full scope of Iran's malign activities, including its nuclear program, ballistic and cruise missile capabilities, weapons proliferation, support for terrorism, hostage-taking, gross human rights violations, and other destabilizing activities; to the Committee on Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs.

By Ms. ROSEN (for herself and Mr. Rubio):

S. Res. 73. A resolution reaffirming the commitment to media diversity and pledging to work with media entities and diverse stakeholders to develop common ground solutions to eliminate barriers to media diversity; to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation.

By Mr. BROWN (for himself, Mr. Barrasso, Mr.

Blumenthal, Mr. Scott of South Carolina, Ms.

Klobuchar, Mr. Wicker, Mr. Markey, and Mr. Booker):

S. Res. 74. A resolution designating February 28, 2021, as

``Rare Disease Day''; considered and agreed to.

By Mr. BOOKER (for himself, Mr. Scott of South

Carolina, Mr. Durbin, Mr. Blunt, Ms. Hassan, Mr.

Tillis, Ms. Cortez Masto, Mr. Crapo, Mr. Merkley, Mr.

Grassley, Mr. Wyden, Mr. Risch, Ms. Smith, Mr.

Cramer, Mr. Markey, Mr. Wicker, Ms. Hirono, Mr.

Sullivan, Mr. Brown, Mr. Shelby, Mr. Van Hollen, Mr.

Rubio, Mr. Menendez, Mr. Scott of Florida, Ms.

Duckworth, Mr. Portman, Mr. Blumenthal, Mr. Hagerty,

Mr. Coons, Mr. Lankford, Ms. Baldwin, Mr. Braun, Mrs.

Murray, Mr. Graham, Mr. Warner, Ms. Ernst, Mr. Kaine,

Mr. Burr, Mrs. Feinstein, Mr. Young, Ms. Rosen, Mr.

Murphy, Ms. Sinema, Mrs. Shaheen, Mr. Whitehouse, Mr.

Schatz, Mrs. Gillibrand, Ms. Klobuchar, Mr. King, Mr.

Bennet, Ms. Warren, Mr. Ossoff, Mr. Heinrich, Mr.

Sanders, Mr. Carper, Mr. Casey, Mr. Reed, Mr. Cardin,

Ms. Cantwell, Mr. Lujan, Mrs. Hyde-Smith, Mrs.

Blackburn, and Mr. Hoeven):

S. Res. 75. A resolution celebrating Black History Month; considered and agreed to


SOURCE: Congressional Record Vol. 167, No. 35